After a few weeks of policy discussions, the Sunday talk shows were back to a familiar topic of conversation from President Trump’s first six months in office: personnel issues. This time, the situation was more egregious as it became public that the White House Staff Secretary, Rob Porter had domestic abuse allegations against him from both of his ex-wives. This was a known issue among the FBI and key leadership in the White House— so why was he allowed to stay in a such a sensitive and powerful role? Why did the White House first respond to the allegations by supporting Porter? And why did it take a public photo of his ex-wife with a black eye for the White House to finally push Porter out? These are all important questions that took up the majority of the Sunday talk shows— and that comprise the bulk of this week’s episode of Polilogue.
- Introduction
- Highlight/lowlight
- The Porter abuse scandal
- Democratic memo
- Show rankings
- Closing
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