We continue our series on the first State of the Union addresses with a look at Obama's first official SOTU in January 2010. It was just over a year after the financial crisis and Obama already faced a divided Congress. The unity we saw in Bush's speech from 2002 was now nearly a decade behind us—and Obama made it clear that he missed it.
In this episode of Polilogue, we compare Obama's approach to Bush's. Clearly, these were different times that called for a different kind of speech. But was it effective? We debate these and other issues—and ultimately arrive at very different conclusions. We also look ahead towards Donald Trump's first State of the Union.
Don't forget to tune into Trump's speech on Tuesday. We will be recording a special episode Tuesday night—the last in this State of the Union series. So stay tuned!
And remember—our regular episode of Polilogue covering the Sunday morning political shows will be released on its usual schedule—on Tuesday morning.
To see Obama's first State of the Union, watch here.
To listen to our special episode of Polilogue on Bush's first State of the Union, click here.
To learn how and when to catch Trump's speech live on Tuesday, click here.
Email us at polilogue.podcast@gmail.com or you can send us your feedback on Twitter: @sotonaomi_ and @bsteidle.
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Naomi's website: www.startwithaquestion.org