Was it diversion? Why did President Trump make incendiary comments about NFL players when the latest repeal and replace health care bill is in dire straights?
On this week’s episode of Polilogue, we divide the topics into two segments: repetition and contrast. We noticed that several guests this week reiterated comments and explanations from previous weeks. Is their repetition effective communication, or lazy messaging? Later, we look at contrasts across the shows—where the same topic could lead to very different conversations. With many hosts interviewing the same guests, we ask: who did the best job? Who got to the heart of the issue? And who was just phoning it in?
If you would like to see a specific segment from today’s episode, you can jump straight to that chapter:
- Introduction
- Highlight/Lowlight
- Repetitions
- Contrasts
- Rankings
- Closing
Email us at polilogue.podcast@gmail.com or you can send us your feedback on Twitter: @sotonaomi_ and @bsteidle.
Want to stalk us some more? Check out some of our other work:
Brendan’s website: www.armisticedesigns.com
Naomi's website: www.startwithaquestion.org