Episode 9: Irma Takes Over

Irma made everyone hide on Sunday— including some of the talk shows! Meet the Press cancelled their show. Face the Nation was only 30 minutes. This Week had a full show, but they never posted their audio. Nonetheless, we had lots to discuss. The shows weren’t really commenting on the news of the week, but rather, they were covering the developing news of the weekend. 

In this episode, we examine the hurricane coverage on the Sunday political shows. It felt very, very different, but did it work? If you’re interested in a specific segment, feel free to jump straight to it. 


  • Introduction
  • Irma: Correspondents in the Field
  • Irma: Politicians Respond
  • John McCain
  • Closing


Email us at polilogue.podcast@gmail.com or you can send us your feedback on Twitter: @sotonaomi_ and @bsteidle. Want to stalk us some more? Check out some of our other work: 

Brendan’s website: www.armisticedesigns.com 
Naomi's website: www.startwithaquestion.org