This week on the Sunday talk shows, the parties confront challenges and issues that could derail them from their goals. We find that some leaders address the issues head-on— and others seek the closest pile of dirt to hide their heads.
First, the indictment charges on Paul Manafort, Robert Gates, and George Papadopoulos had the White House and Republican leaders rethinking, reimagining, and rescinding the campaign roles of the people in question. Congressional Republicans finally announced the much awaited tax reform bill: the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Some Republicans stand by the ambitious growth projections; while others want to protect the deficit.
On the Democratic side, Donna Brazile’s new book spotlights the disfunction she found in the party last year when she had to take over as Interim Chair. We see that not everyone in the party is excited to look back to the 2016 election— nor do they agree with her depiction.
Sometimes dialogue can seem impossible in the midst of such disagreement. But for us— for Polilogue— it’s where we start.
- Introduction
- Highlight/Lowlight
- Mueller Indictments
- GOP Tax Plan
- DNC Disarray
- Show Rankings
- Closing
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